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The Photo Challenge from our friends at The Daily Post http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/weekly-photo-challenge-dreaming/ this week is Dreaming.

Despite the fact that I love doing nature photography and spend a lot of my time outside, I have a morbid and at times downright inconvenient fear of birds which has been with me ever since childhood.  Even a feather from my pillow would send me into screaming fits when I was very young and seeing the movie “Birds” really had me sitting on the edge of my seat.

This phobia has not lessened with time and has prevented me from enjoying many activities such as sitting at an outdoor restaurant or even walking about downtown where I have to dodge around the pigeons on the sidewalk without people thinking I’m completely crazy. I’ve tried to overcome this irrational dread and even persuaded my husband to come with me one time when I tried to take photos inside an enclosure containing unusual and colorful waterfowl, down in Florida, (the opportunity was just too good to pass up) but he ended up having to lead me out while my fingernails were embedded in his arm deeply enough to draw blood!

Anyway, the creation that I dreamed up for this picture might well be something that would haunt my worst nightmares!