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Rather than using pictures of just clouds for this week’s Fun Foto Challenge, which can be quite spectacular if taken at the right moment, (unfortunately I don’t have too many of those) I thought I would share some images where the clouds seem to be actively participating in the overall picture.

CFFC clouds 1The clouds almost appear to be part of the blossoms on this tree which are in turn reflected in a pond at the Morton Arboretum.

CFFC clouds 2

Here the clouds seem to be racing with the yachts at Lake Opeka in Des Plaines.

CFFC clouds 3

Clouds appear reflected in what is affectionately known as ‘The Bean’ in Millennium Park in Chicago, although the official name of this sculpture, co-incidentally, is really Cloud Gate.

For more on Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge and some terrific examples of cloud images go to http://ceenphotography.com/2015/04/21/cees-fun-foto-challenge-clouds/